Riley Taylor
Oct 5, 20241 min read
I'm considering creating some more in-depth reviews of some of my favourite books. I won't be negatively reviewing books on here since...
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Riley Taylor
Aug 21, 20242 min read
All the books I've read this year so far
This is a bit different to usual, but I thought I'd share all the books I've read this year that weren't for uni and what I thought of...
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Riley Taylor
Aug 21, 20242 min read
Into the Fiery Woods is available for preorder now!
If you like spicy and romantic adult fantasy that covers dark topics and has diverse characters, then you might just like my first adult...
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Riley Taylor
Apr 11, 20241 min read
Eyes of Time is out there in the world!
I'm so excited. My debut novel finally exists for everyone to read and I hope that everyone who does enjoys it. It's a young adult...
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Riley Taylor
Nov 26, 20232 min read
Meet the main characters of Eyes of Time
The main characters of my novel make up a found family of young teens who aim to protect one another with every last bit of magic they...
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Riley Taylor
Nov 25, 20232 min read
What is Eyes of Time actually about?
Well I'm glad you asked. Eyes of Time is a YA Fantasy, the first in a series, and it follows a group of young teenagers who will grow...
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Riley Taylor
Nov 10, 20231 min read
Eyes of Time - Pre-order E-book version now!
Eyes of Time is now officially available for purchase as an E-book preorder, please follow the link below to view on Amazon. I'm so...
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Riley Taylor
Nov 9, 202310 min read
Eyes of Time Book Teaser
Hey there, this is the prologue to Eyes of Time which will be out on the fourth of April, 2024, I hope that if you've been wondering...
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Riley Taylor
Jul 2, 20231 min read
Eyes of Time - Brand new YA Fantasy fiction out soon
Hey there, fantasy fans. I'm so excited that you're here, and I can't wait to share my debut novel with you. Eyes of Time is a YA/NA...
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