Eyes of Time is now officially available for purchase as an E-book preorder, please follow the link below to view on Amazon.
I'm so excited that my book is actually at this point. I've been working on it since I was eleven, and oh boy has it been through some major changes since the first draft. The first draft didn't even hit 40,000 words! But now, it sits at 120k. I even did all of the cover design, illustrations, mapmaking and formatting myself, it took a while, but it's well worth it. And though I'm certainly not the best artist out there, I think it's decent enough for me to be proud of. With luck and hard work, future illustrations will only get better and better.
P.S if you purchase a copy of my book in any form, you will be able to enter a small competition by the time of release in order to win one of several small signed prints that will be available, so long as you've provided proof of purchase! There will also at some point be a book box made available, and one person will get one for free, containing a signed book, as well as a selection of prints and bookmarks, and maybe even other goodies.